I wonder, is there a lesson in this? How much does parental feedback play in
having a "plan" to find a good spouse? Is there a plan at all? What place does diligent prayer and openness
to God's will play in finding a good and godly spouse of character? How much patience is there in the
process? Is there a wait for maturity,
or a rush into marriage right now? How
far is a godly person willing to travel?
To what lengths might one go to find a godly spouse? How much would these considerations help to
promoted a strong, loving, lasting, beautiful, and honorable relationship? Instead of marrying the one he loved, Isaac
loved the one he married.
Of course, this is not intended to be a formula for the
"right way" to find a wife.
However, these questions deserve consideration. The Hollywood version deserves to be
rejected, if then length and strength of Hollywood marriages are to be any
indication of how things may turn out if one hangs his hopes on finding a
spouse the Hollywood way. To be moved
more by chemistry than by thoughtful considerations from a plan born out of
prayer invites a greater possibility of heartbreak. A beautiful marriage does not have to begin
with fiery, head-over-heels love. That
can come after marriage begins and be just as beautiful, passionate, and
Lord, I pray for my marriage and the marriages of those
around me. I also pray for those
considering marriage, which is a life-long commitment. Please grant wisdom, patience, and clear
thinking as the solid foundation. Thank
you for the beauty of marriage. May we
learn what love is from you, since you are love.
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