Saturday, January 04, 2025

The Calendar

I remember how we used to have a “Master Calendar” on the hallway wall while our boys were growing up.  Back before the days of electronic devices that had the ability to sync everyone’s calendars, we needed a way to make sure everyone in the family communicated our events, appointments, conferences, games, concerts, Youth Rallies, and especially church events.

During my growing years, I never gave a whole lot of thought to where calendars came from.  There were a few times I pondered it, such as the time when I was eight.  My mother showed some of the Korean coins she brought with her from Korea when she came to America. Instead of 1973, or something close to that, the year on the coins were 4294.  I did not realize that other countries counted years differently than we did.  I also did not realize through the centuries and millennia that there were other types of calendars with differing numbers of days and months on them. 

It is interesting how God created the material from which we can use to order our time.  When God created the Sun, Moon, and the Stars, he placed them in the vault/expanse/firmament, and declared what their function would be.  In addition to governing the earth by providing light, God said, “…let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years…” (Gen 1:14).  As a result, some people mark time by creating a calendar using the moon.  Others mark time by creating a calendar using the sun.  Either way, God is the one who provided the material for our “seasons, days, and years.”

The word that is translated “seasons” is an interesting word.  In Hebrew, it is “mo’ed,” which is usually translated “appointed time, appointed place, sacred time, or festival.”  Some examples of its use include Exodus 27:21, where it is the Tent of “meeting/appointed time,” Exodus 13:10 where it refers to the “appointed time” for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Leviticus 23:2 where it refers to the appointed feasts God had set aside for Israel to observe, and many other examples exactly like these in the Old Testament.  This word does not refer to time or seasons in general but more specifically to appointed and sacred times for worship, honor, or commemoration of God.

This means that God gave us the material to create calendars not merely for the purpose of planning our activities, but for setting aside times to thank, worship and serve him.  This is why James 4:13-15 says, “13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— 14 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. 15 Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”  

God’s will should be the organizing principle behind our calendars, day timers, and planners. The Psalmist prays, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”  Some questions to ask should include: “How would God have me number each day on the calendar?  How does godly wisdom guide me in doing so?  What should be the priorities in filling out the calendar this week?  This month?  This year?

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Daily Bible Reading Reflection - "The Earth Was Ruined" (Gen 6)

Sometimes reading from a different translation leads to renewed insights and appreciation for the message.  Genesis chapter 6 paints a picture of a world where mankind has multiplied and filled it.  It mentions the Nephilim who were the ancient warriors of renown.  The New English translation does not translate Nephilim.  I remember older translation used to translate it as giants.  As I understand, the reason for this is that the Israelites called the inhabitants of Canaan, “Nephilim,” and declared that they were as grasshoppers compared to them.  It seems to me that the Israelites were exaggerating due to fear, and used the scariest word they could think of to describe the Canaanites, which would have been the Nephilim of Genesis 6.  

The Hebrew root behind the Nephilim,  N-PH-L, means “to fall.”  It should be translated as, “fallen ones.”  They may have in fact been large, strong, and scary people.  However, this is not something that comes from the word, “Nephilim,” but comes from the description of them in the text.

In Genesis 4, we see that men began to build cities, work metal, create music, and engage in the sorts of things you would expect in the building of a cultural civilization.  The text describes the Nephilim as “gibborim ‘asher me’olam” which means warriors or heroes of ancient times, and as “enoshey hashem” which means men of the name/reputation.  These designations do not appear to have been criticisms.

I would imagine that by human standards, mankind along with his technological and military progress was impressive.  This may not be unlike the way things are today.  Our technology allows us to do things that would have been unthinkable just a few short generations ago.  Our military might is unmatched compared to where things were in the 18th and 19th centuries.  

However, a word jumped out at me as I was reading the New English translation of Genesis 6.  Verse 11 says that, “The earth was ruined in the sight of God; the earth was filled with violence”  The word, “ruined” is probably not how mankind saw things.  The violence might have been so commonplace that it did not shock or bother people as much as it should have.  The next verse goes on to say that, “God saw the earth, and indeed it was ruined, for all living creatures on the earth were sinful.”

God saw from a completely different lens than mankind.  Mankind, who God had tasked with having dominion over and governing the world in service to the good God and creator, had ruined it all due to sin.  Lack of morals, ethics, and righteousness ruins God’s good world.

Another word that jumped out at me from Genesis 6 is from verse 6, where it says that “The LORD regretted that he had made humankind on the earth, and he was highly offended.”  Other translations give the softer translation of, “…and he was deeply grieved/troubled” or something like this.  However, God’s subsequent actions of wiping out the earth by flood suggests that “offended” is a better translation that conveys the sheer insult sin brings to God.  Understanding this helps us to appreciate his grace and his mercy even more!

I am also struck by the fact that God tasks Noah and his family with not only building an ark for themselves, but also to preserve male and female specimens of the various types of animals on the earth.  This demonstrates that type of responsibility that God has placed into the hands of mankind when he told mankind they were to rule over the earth.  As God’s stewards, mankind is to care for the earth responsibly in service to God.  This means that discovering and exploitation of its resources must be done thoughtfully and responsibly.

This causes me to reflect.  What should the earth look like when it is NOT ruined?   In reflecting on this, I looked up some words that mean the opposite of ruined, and they include: “build, construct, create, fix, heal, mend, repair, adorn, beautify, protect.”  When we build marriage, families, and communities, the beauty of it all comes not from sound infrastructure, but from sound spiritual structure.  The beauty of holiness, righteousness, and devotion to God is the foundation of life.  Indeed, Jesus declared in John 17:3 that eternal life is knowing God and his son.

Monday, January 01, 2024

Daily Bible Reading Reflection - Where did Satan Come From? (Gen 3)

The first sign of trouble in God's ideal world came from the interaction with the serpent in the garden.  Later parts of the Bible make it clear that this is non other than Satan, who is called the adversary and accuser along with the Devil.  Jesus called him a liar and the father of all lies because this is his nature and there is no truth in him.

I am reminded of the question as to Satan's origin.  Where did the Devil come from?  While it is true that the Devil is God's adversary, this does not mean that he is an evil deity or an alternative "god."  The fact that he appears in garden as a creature makes it clear that like Satan falls in the same category as every other created thing.  In Revelation, the Devil appears as an even greater creature.  Even though he is a fearful seven-headed dragon, he is still a creature and not the creator.  God's angels defeat him in chapter 12.  God's people also defeat him in chapter 12 because of the blood of the lamb.  In chapter 20, all it takes is for ONE of God's angels to bind the dragon and throw him into the abyss.  At the final judgment in chapter 20, the Devil is thrown into the lake of fire in the final judgment along with all of his work, including death.  As a creature, like every other creature, there was a time when the Devil didn't exist.  As an enemy of God, like every other enemy of God, there will come a time when he will be no more in the lake of fire.

As I look at Satan in the garden, I am reminded that he only has the power of deception.  His lies make him seem more powerful and wise than he is.  It really isn't important to know Satan's backstory because the Bible does not give it.  If we have everything we need for life and godliness, then we already have all that we need.  The introduction of Satan as a creature in the beginning, and the prophecy of his end as a creature because he is an enemy of God gives perspective on where his false "wisdom" leads.  

Later, the book of proverbs will declare in chapter 9 that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  The last part of 1 Corinthians 1 tells us that Christ has become our wisdom, and that this is a wisdom that none of the rulers of this age have understood.  Because of this, we can see the fruit in the prohibited tree for what it is.  We gain our wisdom from God.